2 min read
16 Aug

Origin of Reiki

Since the existence of human being, it was along with first human. The ability to heal with the hands was practiced earlier that period. However, as the human being started to progress in physical aspect, the idea of healing and connection to the spirit was lost. After ages later in the modern world, the idea of healing was brought into practice by a Japanese healer Dr. Mikao Usui in 1922. Dr. Uusi went for sadhana for 21 days before he got intuition of healing power which he gave the name 'Reiki'. Since then, it was started practicing as a Reiki.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a kind of healing therapy. It is the process of healing on different aspects of a person. Indeed, the healing has not been confined to human body. It has also been used for plants and animals. The practice of Reiki has been directly linked the life force energy, which is with every creatures. Through the practice of Reiki, one becomes aware and links oneself to that life-force energy.

The practice of Reiki has profound aspects, yet it is easier to learn as one can learns alphabet. The understaning of our existence and the guide which has run the universe, if understood, then the practice of reiki looks easire to learn and understand. Reiki has nothing to do with the some occultism and magic. It's based on the idea that the energy which has made the existence of this universe possible is pervasive and everywhere. Through the method of Reiki, one starts to realize the energy which is already in existence and tries to be a medium of that energy to heal somebody or oneself.

Since ancient time, the practice of healing has been continued in many forms and ways. Reiki is also one of those ancient healing therapy which was made popular by a Japanese healer Dr. Mikao Usui. The word Reiki is combination of two words Rei which in Japanese means 'universal' and Ki is life force energy. Thus, reiki literally means universal life force energy.

Lifeforce energy is with every creatures without which the existence of any creatures is not believed to be possible. It means the energy is always there. Only through specific system and therapy, it was made possible to practice by everyone who wants to learn like other subject of study. Having mentioned that the reiki is practiced by everyone, the level of practice and level of healing power may vary based on one's practice and dedication for this spiritual learning.

Implication of Reiki

Reiki can be applied from physical aspects of life to mental, psychological, spiritual aspects one's life. Whether one wants to heal oneself in one's physical, mental and psychological issue or one wants to make it the medium to follow the path of spirituality, both the ways are open and are welcomed by the very auspicious system of Reiki.

When one wants to delve into the practice of Reiki is like any other subject of study, it has five major principles to follow. As a matter of fact, these principles are not only limited to Reiki, they are rather formulas which are practical in our daily life provided that we apply them. As a Reiki practitioner or ahealer, these five principles looks more important and essential to follow in order to harness more and better Reiki practice.

Five Principles of Reiki

1. For today, I will not be angry.

2. For today, I will not worry.

3. For today, I will be grateful.

4. For today, I will be honest to my work.

5. For today, I will not be compassionate and kind to others.

While mentioned these five principles of Reiki, it has also emphasized the idea of present. The idea of present is regarded as the ways of finding more peace and joy in life. Instead of thinking about tomorrow if one can contemplate and coordinate with the today, the life can be better and blissful than ever. The idea of today emphasized by the system Reiki is one of the quintessential issue of spirituality.

Five Symbols of Reiki

In Reiki, there are mainly five symbols which are taken as a medium to heal a person. They are as follows:

1. Cho ku rei (Power symbol)

2. Sei hei ki (Harmony symbol)

3. Hon sha ze so nen (Distance symbol)

4. Dai ko myo (Master Symbol)

5. Raku (Completion Symbol)

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